Site Map
- About Kent Resilience Hub
- Accessibility Statement
- Ashford district
- Canterbury district
- Cookies Policy
- Coproduction E-Learning
- Dartford district
- Dover district
- Folkestone and Hythe district
- Get help now
- Gravesend district
- Interview Panel Training for Young People
- Kent Resilience Hub
- Maidstone district
- Services and support for Young People
- Sevenoaks district
- Site Map
- Supporting your child
- Swale district
- Thanet district
- Tonbridge and Malling district
- Working With Parents
- Working with young people
- All staff training
- Session plans & activities
- Participation Training for Young People
- Peer Mentoring
- Resilience Conversations
- Resources for specific needs
- Emotional wellbeing advice, guidance and support for highly anxious pupils
- Emotional wellbeing support for primary school aged children
- Emotional wellbeing support for transition
- Emotional wellbeing support for vulnerable pupils
- Practical and emotional support for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Practical and emotional wellbeing support following bereavement
- Safe space
- Session Plans
- Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training and Support Resources
- Appreciating others and making thank you cards session plan
- How does social media affect our mood? Session plan
- Making connections with others session plan
- Managing stress session plan
- My digital footprint session plan
- Resilience and wellbeing session plan
- Wellbeing Session Plan for Young People: Friendships
- Staff Wellbeing
- Wellbeing for schools
- Whole Setting Approach
- Worried about a young person’s mental health?
- Dad Space
- Dads Unlimited
- Exam Support Guide
- MindEd
- Education Staff Wellbeing Charter
- Free resources for educators
- Kent & Medway Self-harm guidance
- Provider Collaborative Tier 4 bed
- Suspected or diagnosed traits of Autism and/or ADHD
- Needs of Looked after Children and Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
- Approved Mental Health Practitioner role and Mental Health Assessments
- Emotional dysregulation / emerging personality disorder
- Sexuality and gender identity
- Eating disorders and refeeding syndrome
- Disordered Eating
- Making reasonable adjustments
- Making Every Contact Count (MECC) in Kent
- Supporting young people who self-harm
- The Importance of Sleep
- Understanding Worries and Fears in Childhood for Education Professionals
- Understanding Anxiety with young people
- The role of the All Age Eating Disorders Service (AAEDs)
- Functional Neurological Disorders
- Virtual School Kent
- Autism Education Trust
- Adoption Partnership South East
- Interoception: The New Topic in Autism
- Brain Highways: The Proprioceptive System
- Brain Highways: The Vestibular System
- Anxiety and Autism
- Blocked Care : What is it and what do we do about it
- Developmental Trauma
- Understanding your traumatised child
- Window of Tolerance
- Childhood Trauma and the Brain
- Short Intervention Therapy
- Release the pressure
- Qwell
- Basic self-harm awareness
- Alumina – Self Harm training
- Education support
- Supporting autistic young people to manage their periods
- Dandelion Time
- Mind and Body in Kent Safety Plan
- Building Connections
- Connect! Programme
- Children and Young People’s Counselling Service
- Chat Health
- Coproduction e-learning
- Place2Be Mental Health Champions Foundation Programme
- KCHFT school resources and free training
- This May Help – advice for when you have concerns about your child’s mental health
- Walk with us
- Big Deal? Gambling information, advice and support for young people
- Kent Young Carers
- Healthy Empowering Relationships Advisory (HERA)
- HeadStart Kent Final Learning Report
- What is peer pressure and how to combat it
- Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health: Kent Services Resource
- Befriending for Children in Care
- Tips for getting cosy at home
- Exclusion from Education: Turning Things Around
- NELFT All Ages Eating Disorder Service
- Kent and Medway Safe Havens
- The Fantastic FRED Experience
- Kent and Medway Mental Wellbeing Information Hub
- The BeYou Project
- Emerge Advocacy Service
- We Are With You: Mind and Body Programme
- Porchlight Adolescent Wellbeing Service PAWS
- Mental Health Service for Kent Children and Young People
- A parents’ guide to supporting children and young people: ADHD and Autism
- Handling Stress & Building Resilience for parents of children with SEND
- Understanding your child’s sensory needs
- We all have mental health – Animation and toolkit
- Parenting Smart
- Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
- CHUMS – Bereavement Support
- Spark UK – Resources and Educational Tools to support Mental Health for all ages
- Every Mind Matters Kent
- Anxiety in Children and Young People: Information for Parents/Carers Webinar
- Anxiety in Children and Young People: Webinar for School Staff
- Anti-bullying Training Booklet – Created by KYCC
- Anti-Bullying Detox Booklet – Created by KYCC
- HeadStart session plans and resources
- SEND Information HUB – Kent’s Local Offer
- Resilience webinars for parents and carers
- relate: Coping with disruptive teenagers
- Young Minds: Supporting your child with school anxiety and refusal
- Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK)
- Action for Children: Parent Talk
- NHS: Living with ADHD
- Young Minds: Supporting your child with ADHD
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Youth Sport Trust: Active parents, active children
- NHS: Teenage pregnancy support
- KCC support for young parents
- Choosing school subjects: A checklist for parents to help their teen
- When your child’s friends become enemies
- Sustaining Attention and Concentration – A Guide
- Parents guide on gaming
- Young Minds: Supporting your child with low mood and depression
- UK Trauma Council: Childhood Trauma and the Brain
- DfE: Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education
- The Children’s Society: Five Ways to Wellbeing Postcards
- Everyday Active Kent: Explore activities
- The Pod children’s therapies
- Depression: a guide for parents and carers
- Anxiety: A Guide for Parents and Carers
- National Autistic Society
- Mencap: Support for parents and carers of children and young people
- Beat: Eating Disorders
- Mind: Parenting with a mental health problem
- Mentally Healthy Schools: Parent/carer engagement
- NHS Talking Therapies
- Samaritans
- Young Minds: Parents survival guide
- Emotional wellbeing tips for the classroom
- PSHE Association: Drug and Alcohol Education
- Selfharm: Alumina
- Young Minds: parents guide to supporting anger
- Good Mental Health Matters resources
- Self-care top tips for young parents and carers
- Department for Education’s workload reduction toolkit
- Barnardo’s Transition Resources
- One You Kent
- Domestic abuse support
- Live Well Kent
- Cruse – Bereavement Support and Information
- Information for families on Autism and ADHD in children: a support handbook and films
- Internet Matters
- online support and counselling
- Anti-Bullying Alliance: Resources and Information
- Talking about Mental Health with children of primary age (Anna Freud)
- Kent Resilience Hub: Supporting your child pages
- Rethink: about mental illness
- Example staff wellbeing survey
- Mind: taking care of your staff
- Commissioning Training for Young People
- The Teenage Brain
- Falling Letters: Animated Film About Growing up with ADHD
- Back to School: Top Anxiety Triggers for Pupils
- Helping your child with anxiety
- Understanding emotions and behaviours
- Health and emotional resilience
- Why encouraging your child’s talents and interests is important
- Friendships and your child’s resilience
- Education and your child’s emotional health
- Feeling secure
- MindEd for families
- What is resilience
- Seven things parents should know about adolescent behaviour
- Stonewall: LGBT support and information
- Anna Freud: Staff Wellbeing
- Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership training
- Pupils’ Voice Guidance Pack
- Teaching Resources from Public Health England
- PSHE Association: Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing lesson plans
- PSHE Association: PSHE Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stages 1-5
- School Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy Template