Health and emotional resilience
When we talk about young people’s health we should consider:
- physical health
- mental health
- social wellbeing.
It is also about the health of those around us, as their health can have an impact on us too. When thinking about health we may look at the impact our lifestyle, our surroundings, and our genetic makeup can have on it. We have the ability to control some of these aspects but others are out of our control and specific medical advice or treatment is needed.
To ensure you’re in good health, it’s also important to know where to go for support to discuss health concerns. This is for both your own health and the health of others. For enquiries visit the NHS Choices website.
There are also lots of ideas on social media for ‘self care’ strategies. Healthcare services are there to allow us to strive for a state of complete emotional and physical wellbeing. We should never feel embarrassed about seeking out that support.
There are lots of things you can encourage your child to do to keep them physically and emotionally healthy.
For more information you can visit the Good Mental Health Matters website.